Keep an eye on your email inbox for your welcome coupon to save 10% on your next order with us.

You will receive an email confirming your sign up with links to our site and privacy policy very soon.

In the meantime, why not sign up to our rewards program?

(look for the Phytaphix Rewards Icon in the bottom right of your screen)

The Phytaphix rewards program lets you earn points while you shop and these points and be used to save money on future orders!

In addition, if you refer a friend to try a Phytaphix product, your friend will get a €5 coupon...and so will you! WIN WIN!!!

The best thing about our rewards program's easy to use!

However, as always, if you need anything, contact us anytime via phone, email, WhatsApp, text message or social media via out contact us page here.


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