Phytaphix sponsor person with MS cycling across Canada!


As many of you know, Phytpahix founder, Dr. Conor Kerley, has multiple sclerosis - since aged 15 in 2002!


Through online MS communities and social media, Conor met Dominic Shadbolt. Dominic or Dom also also has MS is a great MS patient advocate


Dom is cycling across Canada to raise funds for MS research and care, this video Dom explains why is cycling 8,000km!


Dom and Conor met at a cafe in Paddington, London in late 2024 - you can check out this 3 minute video here


Dom had asked Conor for some nutrition and supplement advice to help fuel him during his training and eventual 8,000 ride across Canada. Conor himself takes Neuro Phix - 3 capsules daily


Lipoic Acid - 2 capsules daily


This is the exact supplement regimen Conor recommended for Dom to aid with

  • normal nervous function
  • normal inflammation
  • reduction of tiredness & fatigue 

All important for anyone with MS and anyone cycling 8,000km!


We all wish Dom the very best on his amazing journey!!!


You can connect with Dom via:





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